

Environment, Travel

The Nine Day Scientist

Expedition cruises can be unique learning experiences. And we aren’t talking just history and culture but also taking part in some very useful Polar Citizen Science.

If you have read my Citizen Science blog from Antarctica, then you know it was something I found pretty cool on that expedition. Why? Because it’s a way of giving back of course. Was going to be interesting to compare what we found in the Antarctic to the Arctic.

From plant identification to collecting plankton samples, here is what ‘us passengers’ got up to, doing their bit for Polar Citizen Science on our recent ‘Circumnavigating Spitsbergen In The Realm of the Polar Bear’ voyage – hence the 9 scientist day reference! This time I wanted to get out on the science zodiac taking samples… or that’s what I thought!

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Bringing Oceans Back to Life… One SeaHive at a Time

It’s interesting where and when some of the best ideas can spring to mind. Of course, the difference is whether those ideas are acted on or not. Bringing this story of the SeaHives to you as it’s another excellent example of how an individual or two are making a positive impact on the planet, one step at a time.

What’s unique about this story is materials that potentially cause lasting damage in our oceans, instead of being discarded, are recycled into something new that is restoring life… but I am getting ahead of myself!

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Environment, Travel

Four Countries. Four Selections.

It’s Semi-Finalist Week – for ‘ANTARCTICA. A Life Changing Experience’

Four selections this week! It’s obviously ‘Film Festival’ season right now as they are coming into Bruno’s inbox thick and fast. And what a gift that is for the environment.

This second film is longer than the first, more of a documentary and using much of the video footage that we took on our expedition to South Georgia Island and Antarctica. Funny though, as I looked back searching through our photographs and video’s for good footage for the film, I realised that IF I had known that I would be writing and making short films back then, I would have done things differently. Well, I guess who wouldn’t.

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Environment, Travel

The Cornerstone of the Southern Ocean Ecosystem

Celebrating Antarctic Krill on World Krill Day, 11th August

That’s a big reputation for a small shrimp-like crustacean to live up to.  But they are indeed giants in their ecological significance.

Serving as the primary food source for innumerable marine species, including whales, seals, penguins – especially Adelie and Chinstrap penguins – and fish, they are key in the Antarctic food chain.

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Environment, Travel

First Nomination for ‘A Life Changing Experience’

Am thrilled to announce, our ‘ANTARCTICA. A Life Changing Experience’, short film has been selected for the Barcelona International Environmental Film Festival in November. 

As you may know, this is our second film, a little longer, more of a documentary and using much of the video footage that we took on our expedition to South Georgia Island and Antarctica.

It’s all about maximising the reach of the messages in the film for us.  And to know that we can actively promote organisations that are protecting the Antarctic regions and our Southern Ocean.

That’s what makes this selection particularly exciting…..

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Environment, Travel

Whose Paw Prints are these?

In Search of a Polar Bear – Part 2

Just about everyone we were with on our Hurtigruten’s ‘Circumnavigating Spitsbergen – In the Realm of the Polar Bear’ trip with wanted to see a polar bear. Well, of course, thats one of the main things you visit for.

But it’s definitely not as easy as you think! You can say that about most wildlife of course, it plays to its own tune and if you spot anything in the Arctic, especially in the ocean, then you are very privileged.

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Environment, Travel

In Search of a Polar Bear – Part 1

Choosing a trip

What’s the first thing you think about when planning a trip to the Arctic? Most probably, will I see a Polar Bear?

What’s the second thing you think about? Which of the many trips should I go on and which am I and my party best suited to?

Both are very good questions.

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Environment, Travel

So Pleased! Another International ‘Short Film’ Festival Selection

Very excited to hear that our film ‘It’s time to act. NOW’ has been nominated for another short film festival – Germany this time.

All you need to know follows and if you haven’t seen the film yet, then you can watch it here – it’s only 2 minutes!

We hope it’s a film that will keep giving – to those organisations that are already working on protecting the Antarctica and all that is in our Southern Ocean.

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Environment, Travel

Polar Art – It’s More Than Just a Reflection of Icy Landscapes

A powerful advocate for the environment, a guardian of cultural heritage and a catalyst for change, all describe ‘Polar Art’ to me. When someone captures the stark beauty and profound significance of the Artic and Antarctic regions, it’s not just an artistic endeavour.

May seems to be the month for ‘Art Trails and ‘Open Studio’s’ across the UK and I reconnected with a fellow shipmate from our trip to South Georgia and Antarctica, Polar Artist Helen Young, at her Open Studio event as part of the Oxfordshire Art Weeks.

Come with me as I recount the experience of what I can only describe as a quintessential British garden party but with substance, in the depths of stunning countryside that is Oxfordshire.

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Environment, Travel

The Boutique

Iconic Chewton Glen (Part 2)

Finding a gift shop in a 5 star hotel that has something different, local – well British at least – and perhaps if you are lucky enough, sustainable, is pretty rare I have found. More often than not you find expensive, generic brands that leave you with a sense of blandness and lack of creativity!

Keely van Dam, has brought something special to Chewton Glen’s gift shop. Shaped somewhat out of our experiences during the COVID pandemic, where small local independents came into their own as we took those early steps back into shared spaces, she delivers a totally different experience for guests and visitors….

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