


Have You Heard About the Sargasso Sea?

Sargasso Sea Ecosystem and Why It’s So Important

I’m beginning to think I really should have tried harder in Geography at school! Why? Well, when a colleague mentioned the Sargasso Sea, I had absolutely no idea where it was or why I should be so interested in it. Let me tell you, since last week that has certainly changed. Whilst not claiming to have got anything close to being an authority on its importance, a chance invitation to an expert meeting, had me rubbing shoulders with some pretty key people that definitely are! Here’s what I learnt…

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The Results Are In!

Remember the Big Plastic Count 2024 back in March? My personal results, with my households plastic packaging footprint, and the overall results are in, from 225,000 participants. And they are STAGGERING.

Such a lot of data to crunch and analyse. Were there enough contributors to get credible results I can hear you ask? Well, participation was 1 in every 300 people in the UK – that seems a significant enough number to give a pretty good overview of not just how much plastic households are throwing away, but in which categories.

Can you guess which of these had the highest plastic count: Food & Drink, Cleaning & Toiletries and Everything Else? Any idea how much of our plastic is incinerated?

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What is this ‘speck’ of an island in the Indian Ocean doing with one of these???

Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives Four Seasons Resort is an island of mainly sand, in the northeast of Baa Atoll – It is really just a speck in the ocean, approximately 600 meters in length east to west, 200 meters in width, oh and something to think about, its maximum height is 2 metres. If you read up about this idyllic place’s history on Wikipedia it’s surrounded by mainly desert islands and has barely been inhabited over its lifetime due to low availability of fresh water. We took a ‘back of house’ tour this February and it was full of surprises. Little did we know what a ‘role model in hospitality sustainability’ our tour would uncover. But its not been all plain sailing for them…

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