After the success of our short film “It’s time to act. NOW“, we didn’t want to stop there! Continuing the collaboration with the various environmental organisations, we’ve produced a short documentary film that follows my life-changing voyage to South Georgia Island and Antarctica.
Join me as I share my journey and experiences in this very visual way, demonstrating how each of us can contribute to the preservation of our environment and the eco-systems that we are both part of and dependent upon….
Short Audio introduction from me above.
A master of his art Bruno Zaugg, Design-Factory GmbH, the film producer and director, has expertly and sensitively created this documentary, showcasing my passion for this region of the planet, the challenges the wildlife faces through the accelerated climate change and some simple steps we can all take to reduce our negative effect on the planet.
A big thank you goes to the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, the Nature Vision Foundation and the South Georgia Heritage Trust for their close support and partnership.
Do you enjoy my writing?: Always optional, Donating even a small amount occasionally enables me to continue to be another voice for the environment, supporting organisations focussed on conservation and restoration through my blogs, video’s, giving my time on committees, raising awareness. Click on the Donate button, top right hand side of the page for more information on how I am contributing and why your donation counts.
Yes! This documentary inspires me and my friend’s to follow in Sue’s footsteps and fly down to Argentina then takes boats to Antarctica to experience it for ourselves and see the beauty first-hand. Then we’ll share our videos and images so that all of our social media followers will do the same….image if we all go to Antarctica instead of Paris or Mexico City for our next vacations, we’d have so much more respect and awareness of how important it is for us to protect this pristine marine ecosystem ! Thanks for the great video!
Am so pleased to hear it Lena. Hope you can become an ambassador for all that is in Antarctica if you visit.